End of an Era

Looks like gun free zone is closing its doors. A line was crossed.

This is a shame because it’s one of my daily reads. Or rather, daily scans.

When I first found it, it was really good. A lot of good advice on guns and shooting, good perspectives on the news, that sort of thing. But quite frankly they lost me when Miguel went into semi-retirement and they went to a pay wall of sorts. I didn’t get that. Compared to shooting, blogging is cheap. It costs me a little over $50/year for this blog. I have three sites running on a hosted server that cost me $300 a year. I could easily deploy WordPress and move this blog over there. Divemedic offers hosting at his supersecret site, deep in the Alps, for around $1200/year. That’s less than what I’ve spent this year so far on shooting. Made no sense to me, and apparently others since they dropped it after awhile. They had a forum site for awhile that had some great content and communication, but that dribbled away to nothing.

I wound up coming back. But the content isn’t anywhere near the same caliber.

I found my daily trips there more and more were just scanning for Miquel’s posts and ignoring all the others. That said, its still shame to see it go.

A classic from Miquel:

“My dear child, those are the ones that grow your food, harvest it and delivery to your local bodega or Whole Foods which by the way, only have enough stock but maybe for a week.

They do not have to pull one trigger, just sit back, do nothing and 2 weeks later you will be selling your asshole to them for a pop-tart and a half a bottle of water.”

Masks are the maga hats of the left. – Joe Rogan

An instruction card for a kitchen timer I bought. Not waterproof? Don’t get it wet. Duh.

Texas Sees 74% Drop In Illegal Border Crossings Since Operation Lone Star, Gov. Office Says. Sure.

According to a statement released by Mr. Abbott’s office on June 14, the initiative has resulted in a 74 percent decrease in immigrants crossing into the state illegally in Texas since Operation Lone Star was launched in March 2021.

As part of the initiative, the Republican governor has deployed floating border barriers, installed wire fencing, and used the Texas National Guard to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.

I love this quote:

“This ban will remain in place until the number of people trying to enter illegally is reduced to a level that our system can effectively manage,” President Biden said at a news conference from the White House announcing the measure.

This is, of course, about the imbecile’s per-day quota plan. The number entering illegally should be zero. They should be sent back from whence they came. I heard a news report this morning that 62% of those polled said they should be forcibly deported.


Going to be a great weekend around here.

I start it off with an installation and awards dinner that ends my term as a Grand Knight. It was a lot of work, not a little frustration, but one of the most rewarding things I’ve done. If you are a Catholic man, you should join a Council. You should never pass up an opportunity to associate with other Catholic men.

Then starts a week of vacation.

I’ll mostly be at home, getting some projects done. I have an LTC class scheduled and should have that application wrapped up. I’ll end the week with a motorcycle trip. Get the big bike out and let it holler through the hill country.

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