TDS in the Wild

I joined Facebook again a few months ago, mostly because that’s how many in my family communicate. I also like the feeds for Vice Grip Garage and other YouTubers I watch.

I have few friends on it. I click-through on nothing. There’s little on it but pics of me that are on the interwebs elsewhere, and some of the dogs.

Slowly, other older friends have sent requests. I usually OK them. Now, I’m not so sure:

Others were “WE GOT HIM!” Hoof…Vurst caze uf TDS I evver zeen.

So you got him?

He’s guilty because they changed the laws to make it so, just like they did for that freak show of a karen that accused him of rape. Every accusation on that post was built from bullshit. What they got here, if it isn’t overturned, is the mother of all backfires.

Their voices were even and low.

Their eyes were level and straight.

There was neither sign nor show

When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.

It was not taught by the state.

No man spoke it aloud

When the Saxon began to hate.

I’m a believer in the system. It works for everyone, or no one. Just like when Harry Reid changed the senate rules, only to have it backfire on their party – bad, If this stands someone will use it on them. You want show trials and struggle sessions? Because this is how you get them.

Democrats go about building a monster-truck of a government and then get upset when someone else gets the keys and tries to run them over with it.

PJ O Rourke

These hypocrites loved Trump, and his money, before he committed the mortal sin of denying herself-whose-turn-it-was the presidency. I’m no huge fan of Trump. To the extent I like him, it’s because he strokes all the right people’s fur backwards. Besides, what’s our other choice as it exists now? That brain addled shithead who’s nominally in charge? Sure. He’s done a swell job thus far. Did you read this week where that imbecile OKed using US weapons deep inside Russia?

Yeah. That’ll go well. Good plan. If there is one.

In the end, I think we’re screwed anyhow. The fools driving this clown car have screwed up so bad, I don’t think what’s going to happen can be stopped. No one has the courage.

Shame about my friend. He was a normal dude until he got remarried and became a vegetablist.