Lay off the Dude

Who’d have thought a commencement address at a fairly obscure private college would have the usual suspects gibbering and flapping arms.


Catholic dude, speaking at a (very) Catholic college about life and things all Catholics believe.

There’s nothing wrong pointing out that quite a few of the women graduates would see motherhood as something they can’t wait to enjoy. Many probably do.

Remember, it’s a very Catholic school.

There’s millions of us that think just like him. Who are just like him.

And, right on queue, the deranged women chimed in, all seem to have a podcast of sorts, and extrapolated what the man said to a feminazi nightmare:

Unreal. This was as disturbing as it was funny. People listen to these screeching harpies?

“I F#%king hate him”.

Did they listen to what he actually said?

These yentas are out of their minds. Three things, words of advice, come to mind:

  • You weren’t ‘attacked’
  • It wasn’t about you.
  • He was speaking as a Catholic, to a Catholic audience, most if not all were with him 100%.

I’ve known some who went to Benedictine. All of them not only think like that but live their lives and vocations with devotion, like he described. You do not go there if you are a secular screechy harridan. It won’t be your cup-o-tea.

I wonder; If he were a Muslim who said that, would they be screeching?

I’ll be that if I had the fortitude to muscle through their collection of podcasts, I’d find one or two where they are opining about the lack of good men around.

Clearly, they wouldn’t know one if they saw him.