An Interesting Observation

I had good friend call me the other night. He goes dark for weeks at a time sometimes, and then emerges to catch up on what’s been going on. He said he was worried about me.

Turns out his son nearly died over the New Year’s holiday. He got married very early, and after four kids baby mama left him. Left him with the four kids by the way.

You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille,

Four hungry children and a crop in the fields..

This isn’t news, I had known this for some time. I’d seen it with my own eyes. Many was the time we’d meet for lunch and he’d have one or two grandsons in tow. I use to give him shit all the time asking him why in the world he was watching kids instead of his wife or daughter.

Turns out that since then, his son was dealing with depression had bloated up to 400 pounds, and has the diabeetus.

This is what wound him up in the hospital nearly dead over the new year. Wow, what a mess. But this why he was calling me? To make sure that I wasn’t gonna go up to 400 pounds and start having issues. He was worried.

That was touching, honestly.

I told him I was perfectly fine. Matter fact if I were any better, I’d need a twin.

I’m very fit, sporting a curb weight that I had back in my 30s. I got a great job, a roof over my head, food in my belly, I am out of debt, have people that care about me, and a girlfriend that’s crazy about me. Been almost three months and the crazy hasn’t manifested.

Trust me, I’m fine, I said. And besides, ever since throat cancer the foods that make you horrifically fat like that I mostly can’t tolerate. I don’t have any food addictions, because none of the highly addictive food such as snacks and fast food appeal to me. Matter fact, salty snacks cause my mouth to burn which is unpleasant. I may drink myself stupid and dead sometime in the future, but I won’t approach a 1/4 ton man let alone 400 lbs.

Then he kind of hit me with a surprise, one that I remember him saying way back when, which I blew off at the time. He said he considered Herself a control freak, and that my personality would mute every time we are in the same room together. I became a different person and he found that disturbing.

That’s an interesting observation. Now that I look back he was right.

What’s the point now?

I told him there wasn’t one. That it was pointless to obsess about this sort of thing.

He was happy I was back, and we made plans to meet up.

Now that time has passed, I’m get into these sort of discussions. I’m never the one to start them.

I guess it’s their way of reconciling.

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