Welcome to 2024

Gonna be a great year, Tater. At least I think so.

Could hardly be worse than 2023, that’s for sure.

Now that I’m setup in the new place, I can reflect on where I am and where I’m going.

The house is closed, and gone, Money in the accounts. There is nothing tethering me to Herself any longer, except the 2023 tax return, for which I’ll be hiring my own accountant as she can’t be trusted, whatsoever.

So I’ve said it before. Vox Day was right. I find myself, around seven months after the nuke detonation far better off, in most ways, than I was. Let’s start:

  • I’m tremendously more fit. I’m clocking in at under 200. I don’t drink, I’m careful about my diet. I’m running, biking, working out. My last cardiologist appointment showed that whatever anomaly was in my EKG, it’s gone.
  • I’m monied. Turns out, I wasn’t the only drain on household finances. Matter of fact, after closing, I find myself with no debt and well over a year of take-home pay in the bank. I’m going to have to move that money, for sure. Either buy a place, or stick it in an investment. But for the time being, It’s F-U money. BTW, that’s over an above a damaged, but decent, retirement account.
  • I have a great job. I can take or leave the company, but I like the people I work with.
  • I live in a better neighborhood. While the house is dumpy, it’s not as bad as I thought and I’m digging the location. It allows me to fulfill the obligations I have until the end of the FY, when I execute a more long term plan. I don’t know what that is yet. My son noticed that the demographics here reminded him of when we first moved here – many trucks, working people. Very mild hipster infestation in this part of Plano.
  • I have friends and family that deeply care about me. We’ll see how things shake out with the kids and Herself. Best I can say there is we’ll see. Hopefully I’ll spend more time with the kids and grandkids, now that things are stabilizing. Far as Herself goes, she’s no different than all the other churchian hypocrite women running around North Texas. I want nothing to do with any of them, let alone her. (I’ll post some funny encounters I’ve had with this type)
  • I met a wonderful woman, a widow. She is everything Herself is not, and a lot of what she used to be. When I met her, it was a thunderbolt moment of sorts. Many men never have this. I’ve had two. She’s smart, and has her head on straight as can be. She got a kick when she asked me where I thought we were going and I said I didn’t know, it takes three months or so for the crazy to come out. For now, she loves me, and I love her. We’ll see where it goes. We both are under no illusions about how the field is striped at our ages.

The dogs have settled in to the new digs. There’s a new grooming place that opened up two miles away so they will be getting Hollywood baths tomorrow. I’ve been to busy to deal with them the last two weeks.

Winston loves the Girlfriend’s belly rubs.

Now that one chapter closes and a new one opens up, I’m optimistic that things are going to go well.