Merry New Year!

So happy New Year.

I spent the entire weekend moving.

The movers were great. A bargain if you ask me. They showed up on time, and were done by lunch. Then I was on my own, more or less. My brother, his wife, and son showed up in the afternoon and hit the place like a tornado. Cleaned it right out.

I had a couple trips the next day, then one on Sunday, to return some stuff that had to convey, like the TV mounts and the oven probe. Did a fast pass, ran the spa with some oxidizer, and left.

It’s really funny. All the planning goes by the wayside at some point, and you wind up packing and moving like refugees – just cram shit in boxes and flee. And while buying a beast like the Excursion seemed like an emotional buy, it turned out to be a really smart strategic purchase. The inside is huge, so I only had to make a few trips. It can hold more, and tolerate a heavier load than my RAV4 would have.

The rental house is a dump. A standard issue 1970’s Plano house, not unlike the last one I had there. Matter of fact, it’s only about two miles or so to the old place. Being built in the 70s when building inspection was…uh… lacking, there isn’t a level floor, square corner, un-cracked wall in the place. That said, it’s bigger than the old house, although it has a smaller yard.

Got a heat pump, God give me strength. And it’s old, so it’s drafty.

But it’s quiet. No more doofuses with loud pipes blasting by my house. Matter of fact, it’s within spitting distance of a great not-big-box hardware store, a huge Chinese market, an Aldi, and all sorts of stores and restaurants. Also a few miles to my old parish, where I know a ton of guys.

Spectrum moved my interwebs nearly flawlessly. And, they were available for a support chat new years eve. Got that sorted and a new Wifi6 AP installed. MOAR PARE! 1G per channel.

As of now, I have the kitchen set up, my office done, Master bedroom done.

Even got a dog door. Behold:

That showed up today. Easy install. It’s smaller than they are used to, but Winston figured it out, so Aria should have no problem.

Just the garage is a mess. Lots-o-boxes to deal with.

It’s getting there. Gonna be a good year, I think.

Even Winston is settling into the new Man Cave:

Closing on the old house is Friday. Can’t wait.

It’s over. Time to move on.

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