
George Orwell had a word to describe how these nutty lefties think today. It was called DoubleThink. This way you can seemingly hold to objectively opposite opinions at the same time, insisting both are right.

For instance it is a simple concept; is always wrong to harass, badger, hurt, or kill innocents. Period, end of discussion.

But that doesn’t appear to be what’s happened here. The funniest example was when they dragged three diversity hire presidents from Ivy League universities to find out why they allowed their students, all of which are ignoramuses and pro-Palestinian, to badger and harass their fellow students, who happen to be Jewish.

The best one, was the president of Harvard, Dr. Urkel.

Dr. Erkle

She was asked point-blank if it would be okay if those were black students that were harassed into cowering in a library. Mind you the woman is black, a race baitor. She couldn’t answer the question. Or should I say she wouldn’t. Like the others they all had some iteration of the logic used by Bubba Clinton – Depends on what the meaning of is, is. This is very similar to how our newest Supreme Court justice couldn’t tell you what a woman is, even though every five-year-old in the country can. I call these people Dr. stupid.

These people have no moral anchor.

The answer is simple: It is always wrong to harass, badger, hurt, or kill innocents. Period, end of discussion. Especially if it’s over their ethnicity or religious beliefs. So no, just like with the Jewish students, blacks shouldn’t be badgered into hiding in a library. It’s the same damn thing.

What happened in Israel was an atrocity. There is no defense to what Hamas did to these innocent people. Worse yet from what I understand these people were of more of the hippie variety, “can’t we all get along types”. You can bet that that kind of thinking has been snuffed out now.

So the Israelis are taking care of business, and trashing the place. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting more than a few Israelis. I remember telling one of them that what has to happen is Israel needs to go biblical. Mow them down on the edge of a sword. That was nearly 20 years ago. Now, matters are worse.

The thing is, Hamas created a poisonous culture over there. And the only way to cure it, since there is no living with it, is to wipe them out and have the current generation understand what happens when you cross a line and kill innocents.

This is worked for millennia. By the way, this is also sort of the concept of the Fourth Turning. We have craziness happen about every 80 to 100 years because the people in power have forgotten these life lessons and need to learn them the hard way.

I don’t really have a dog in the fight over Israel. But they have a tough job to do, which is getting some Palestinians to learn some horrible lessons. Far as the Palestinian fan boys in this country go, they need to read up on some history. These people stir up in trouble no matter where they’ve been. They were kicked out of Jordan for causing trouble, they were kicked out of Lebanon for causing trouble, and how their in Gaza causing trouble. There’s a reason that these people existed in refugee camps. After they lost the war, one that they picked on with their neighbors, nobody wanted them. So they became wards of the United Nations, and a headache to all.

Shame of it is that when Israel gave up that land for peace, they never got any. Hamas started acting out nearly immediately. The Gazans are sitting on some prime real estate on the Mediterranean and could have become the next Dubai. They could’ve been rich.

But instead they Fucked Around and are Finding out.

One thought on “DoubleThink

  1. Bet I know where the remnants will end up if they do a mini Great Replacement and kill as many as they can pushing them out.

    In fact, I’ll narrow it down to the midwest, another gift from our greateat ally.

    And The Chosen People will be lauded for upgrading their security and finally be able to tear down that wall…


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