Getting Fit

I clocked in at 200 lbs this month.

This is astonishing because I think I have two weeks of exercise for the whole month. Getting a hernia fixed sidelined me for a bit. Then, two weeks ago I wiped out on my bike when turning into the park on some wet leaves.

I went down hard as hell on the shoulder that I had the rotator cuff fixed, and the side I broke a few ribs (that I didn’t know about until a CAT scan a year later or so. Two weeks later, I’m still sporting one hell of a gross green and yellow bruise. And that’s how it feels – Bruised. I don’t think I cracked or tore anything. I can move my arm, but it’s super sore.

But Monday, I’m back at it. I think I can do a short ride, and try a short run.

I have to do something.

We had a contract on the house that fell through, which was a good thing since I’d have to be out of here a week from now. I was having a world class freakout over it. I’d only have a week from the end of the option period to closing, with no leaseback. And while the house is mostly clear, the garage…uh..wasn’t. I spent all last weekend sorting it out and packing.

It’s mostly done.

Then the search for a place begins. I don’t need to bug out, but I need to get serious about finding a place. While moving will cause Herself and I to share the expense of the house, the savings I’d have isn’t near what I’d need to rent a place around here. The only way I could swing that would be to sell my soul, surrender the dogs, and get an apartment.

I told that to a friend last night and he told me I was out of my mind to even think of such a thing. My alternative before the offer collapse was to live in a dump in an area I’d just as soon not live. Not ‘urban’. But further out than I’d prefer. Close to my oldest, but nowhere near anything else. Worse, it’s the end of the year and I have nearly zero vacation time.

But back to fitness.

My friends think I’m wasting away. But it’s all blubber. I’ve been adding muscle, which you can clearly see in my shoulders and legs. It’s a great thing.

I just need to buy pants that fit.


One thought on “Getting Fit

  1. Sometimes life gets … _busy_ to the point of resembling the unmanageable. Glad to hear you’re ABLE to work on fitness. My endoskeleton for the moment disallows such a thing. Culprits would be the upcoming fusions in the neck followed by shoulder repair akin to what you had done.

    Surgery is Thursday. Trepidation builds however I also look forward to the entire thing becoming a memory.

    I do very much enjoy a relaxed velocipede peregrination and miss that. It aggravetes the heck out of my shoulder presently though and I don’t ride one of those arse-in-the-air techno torture machines neither. Classic Raleigh Sprite is more to my liking. Ride awheel on sheffield steel as they used to say. All that aside, I’m down to 175 since Hurricane Ian. The loss was kicked off by “Shelter Food” LOL. I saw the downtick and rolled with it.

    That your contract fell through is a double edged sword. Bummer it did however it was a galvanizing moment as it shined a big light on what is and is not quite ready. Not to mention having that kind of pressure when out “shopping” puts a look of desperation in the eye that’s easily spotted by sellors that just might take advantage.

    For me it was a learning process. To wear life like a loose garment is a challenge when one’s Coat Of Arms is a straight jacket. 😉


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