Got the COVID for the long haul

I stumbled on a piece about long COVID on PJMedia. It started with Ann Coulter chucking a bomb at it on a Scott Adams podcast.

“I hope you’re not one of these, but I’ve been a little disappointed in some of my fellow conservatives running off on this UFO thing,” she began. “UFO things have always driven me crazy. Like ghosts, I’ll believe it when I see one.”

“And the other one, and I again, I hope you don’t think you have long-haul COVID,” she told Adams. “Long-haul COVID is total B.S. It is invented. It’s neurotic liberal women in New York. Have you noticed this is all women who have long-haul COVID?”

I know more than one guy with Long COVID.

But the author, Paula Bolyard does what they all do – “Well …I have Long Covid” followed by rattling off symptoms. Yup.

Man or Woman, every one that I know with this has a couple things in common; They all are vaxxed and boosted up the wazoo, and wore masks long after it was known they didn’t need them. Ordinarily, I’d get a sense of schadenfreude but a few of them are my friends, and they bought into the narrative hard.

Nope. For sure it’s a function of the vax. It’s been proven that on some it can weaken immune systems and cause bouts of dying of suddenly.

I still see the odd kook with a mask on these days. Those guys are mostly nuts.

I’m blessed that I got nothing from the vax. I’m sorry I took it, but I really think I got saline. Because I felt nothing and it didn’t work. Got COVID anyhow. Once, far as I know.

Maybe more, but I stopped testing when I get the sniffles.